Topical treatment of the skin
In fact, all cases of skin patches in the "teens" will respond to topical treatment. The cases of severe acne is mild respond well to this treatment, but if it did not respond to antibiotic treatment may be necessary.
Types of topical drugs treatment: There are many kinds of these drugs, whether prescription or sold in pharmacies. Vmrkpat Asalafr (sulfur) and Alrissoursenaul doubted they indicate cases of acne is severe. The most effective topical treatment drugs, which can be purchased without a prescription are compounds that contain benzoyl peroxide, benzoyl peroxide. WHDH compounds can be prescribed by a physician, which may also prescribe other drugs topical treatment containing vitamin A or antibiotics. There is also currently the types of vehicles Alrtinoad retinoids Retin A Retin A. Determining the type of treatment depends on the doctor's experience and the type of stains.
Medicines that affect the ease of bacteria festering red spots. The compounds Asalafr and Alrissoursenaul may be its impact on the main simple microbe that causes acne (P. acnes). The compounds such as benzoyl peroxide and other topical antibiotics it may best bacteria on the skin effect. The compounds Alritinoad positional not affect the bacteria, but also reduces be black and white heads.
It must be ensured here that the topical treatment drugs should not only be placed on the spots, but all the affected area. Even with this improvement should continue to be put on medication all the affected area in order to be brought under control on the spots.
Side effects of the treatment of localized: use a lot of creams and lotions to some redness and scaling may result, and this is what is called dermatitis initial Althigi, which can be controlled easily by reducing the repeated use of the treatment to once instead of twice a day, or even less done with and put it on specific parts of the face. Are usually eliminate this problem constantly treatment.
Oral therapy (oral therapy):
There are basically three groups of medications taken by mouth are:
Retinoids retionids. They not only acted medical Bossgh, and with the exception of retinoids, the oral treatment must be accompanied by a topical treatment.
Oral antibiotics (Takhadd mouth):
The mainstay of treatment is oral antibiotics, and more of what is described is a tetracycline antibiotic tetracycline or oxy, and antibiotics should be given on the basis of two tablets a day for six months. It is important to eat this topic disks according to the doctor's recommendations, to achieve the maximum benefit from the treatment. The alternative antibiotics include: erythromycin erythromycine, Menuschaelin minocycline,
Doxycycline Schaelin doxycycline, trimethoprim and Tri trimethoprim. Often cases require repetition and use for longer periods of treatment. Antibiotics work in two ways: they reduce the number of bacteria and reduce inflammatory reactions.
Side effects of treatment with antibiotics: The treatment with antibiotics, even for a long time, very safe. However, in rare cases, cases of drug rash may occur, causing rashes and itching and widespread which requires stopping treatment. It is not uncommon exposure to a slight imbalance in the health or abdominal pain (colic), sometimes accompanied by a simple diarrhea, and this is usually automatically stops a few days or may after
You need to treat drug for several days. Other disadvantages of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is to gain her, thus contributing to the lack of response to treatment and survival of their acne as I felt better.
Use of hormones systems:
Either to have a pill usual simple effect of pregnancy or no effect on acne, though, the doctor or specialist dermatology pills may prescribe contraceptives containing estrogen, which also contains anti-androgen labeled acetate Alsaybroteron cyproterone acetate. The hormones systems operate primarily on the inhibition increased skin fat production. They are usually given for a period of 8 months, and must be, as is the case in the antibiotics that accompany topical creams.
Side effects of hormonal systems: The side effects of birth control pills, which contain anti-androgens do not differ from normal pregnancy pill.
Alrotinoadat retinoids
A drug taken by mouth, such as medicine Oazotertanuin (Roaccutane Roaccutane). Although it is very effective for the treatment of acne. The recipe is limited to a specialist dermatologist. And should be used with the utmost caution with full commitment to follow a specialist dermatology instructions. These drugs are not a group of hormones or antibiotics, but derivatives of vitamin A.
They reduce significantly the skin fat produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin. And reduce the black and white heads and reduce the number of bacteria, although it is not an antibiotic. It is also - and complex mechanisms - reduce inflammation. Thus, they affect the four relevant factors because of acne, so it is not surprising that this is a very useful drug in the treatment of acne. Usually it requires treatment for up to 4 months, then disappears acne permanently.
Side effects of the drug Oazotertanuin: The most dangerous side effects of this drug is its effect on the fetus Almaskh (This means that cause defects in the body of the fetus if taken during pregnancy). But this must not be allowed to happen in pregnancy during treatment with this medicine for a month after stopping him. For this reason, women at required to conceive using contraception (usually mean the pill) during Oazotertanuin drug treatment period. Be treated with this drug only under the supervision of a specialist dermatology, and must return any amount Mtbakh him to the doctor or pharmacist. Where dangerous Pmakan give this medication to a friend or relative suffering from acne.
Most patients have established a good degree of dryness of the lips and skin (especially facial skin), and some may suffer from dry eyelids. Also, about 30% can suffer from pain in the joints or muscles, and 5% of the headaches. Nevertheless, all of these side effects can be controlled using a simple drugs such as moisturisers and simple analgesics such as paracetamol paracetamol. Therefore, it is very rare for having to stop treatment.
Steroids steroids
This is usually not used for the treatment of love
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