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الثلاثاء، 9 ديسمبر 2014

The best treatment for hair loss

Onion juice concentrate

Is cut easy and simple way to get the mask onions into small cubes and then crushed in a chopper to get an adequate amount of onion juice, and add the onion for a few of my favorite hair oil juice you have in mind with warm it up a bit.

Wash your hair with shampoo well and then cover it for half an hour before the hot towel onion pork fat meat mixture to facilitate the hair to absorb the mask.

 onions and honey

You can hide the experience onion, honey, if you want to reduce the severity of the smell of onions, all you have to do is combine the onion juice with a little honey for a good time to get a homogeneous mixture. Grease blend your hair and leave for half an hour on your hair before shampooing well to get rid of the effects of the smell of onions.

onions and malt mask and coconut

This is the catcher of the best things that you can follow to treat the problem of hair loss radically.

Mix onion juice with a cup of barley and a little coconut oil, with a repeat of this catcher from time to time you will get a shiny and silky hair thanks to drink barley, onions, and coconut will help to nourish your hair effectively.

 mask onions and mustard oil

Mustard oil from natural ingredients that have proven effective in maintaining hair color attractive and rich, so you can use it in any of the recipes natural onions to prevent hair loss and get an attractive hair color at the same time.

 mask onions, fruits, honey and natural oils

Connie always innovative and renewable, so be sure to add new components each time the owner of the onion Taatbaan, where you can add some fruit next to the honey and natural oils to get rich hair mask handles all defects naturally and safely.

Finally, if you are suffering from hair loss also Vejrebi of the recipes mentioned above, which will help you not only on the growth of your hair, but also to get rid of the problem of dandruff, but if you suffer from chronic diseases or falling sick must be used hair doctor immediately to come up with the cause of hair loss that amount.

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